How to get rich during the Coronavirus panic
I think it’s safe to say that shit has hit the fan.
People are freaking out. Everyone’s quarantined. Public events are getting cancelled left and right. I just heard the NBA cancelled the rest of their season. The market is plummeting (which is only temporary).
People are in full-blown panic mode.
Despite all this…
Some people are going to get rich. Mega-fucking rich.
You MIGHT be able to be one of those few lucky people who are able to see this situation for what it is — it’s one of the biggest opportunities for wealth building we’ll see.
Here’s what we know:
Tons of companies have been started during recessions. So anyone who says ‘you can’t make money with a market like this’ is full of shit.
Ever heard of General Motors?
What about IBM?
Here’s a few others:
General Electric
Tollhouse cookies
Burger King
You’re stuck at home?
Work on your business. You can start a business in a day with all the free technology and social media out there. You can even start your email list for free with a tool like ConvertKit.
If you have an email list, you have can make money.
In fact, that’s really ALL you need to sell anything online (or offline).
So if you haven’t already… start your email list and get things going.
EVERYONE is home.
No one is leaving their house, unless they’re getting food.
Do you know what this means.
EVERYONE is online RIGHT NOW… looking for stuff to buy.
This could very well be the biggest opportunities for e-commerce growth in the history of e-commerce.
Of course — someone’s going to point out supply chains and all that.
I get it.
But if you have inventory ready to go… there has never been a better time in the history of the Internet to sell stuff to your email list.
People are home, with nothing to do. They can’t leave (or at least shouldn’t).
But at the end of the day…
People are still going to buy things. NOTHING will change that.
People buy things when they’re bored.
People buy things when they’re stuck at home.
People are buying things as we speak.
People are going to be home for weeks, maybe even months. Do you really think they’re NOT going to shop in their spare time?
Don’t let the stock market charts fool you. Markets are based on people’s confidence, not necessarily what kind of sales numbers businesses are actually doing.
It’s a perception machine.
You have a golden, but fleeting opportunity to ramp up communications with your email list. This opportunity will NOT last forever.
Your email opens will be higher.
Your email clicks will be higher.
People are ACTIVELY LOOKING for things to buy to take their mind off the stress and panic.
You’re going to make sales by emailing.
Your products are going to solve people’s problems, give them an escape, AND deliver a much-needed dopamine hit.
Smart business owners who email their lists are going to make a fortune, despite what any media talking heads (who are actually tanking the market themselves, with their bullshit) are saying.
Smart business owners will Pay Themselves FIRST and make their cash registers ring like crazy… while the rest of their competition is too afraid.
Millions of people are now working from home for possibly the first time ever.
Do you remember when YOU started working from home? Do you remember sitting on your couch with your laptop on your lap? Do you remember how hard it was to resist the urge to shop when you SHOULD be paying attention to that Zoom meeting in the background?
Multiply that by a few million.
People are going to be online shopping, maybe more than they ever have before.
The stock market is down right now.
But what goes down, must come up as they say.
When markets dip, every stock is essentially ‘on sale.’
Of course, NONE of this is financial advice, always consult with your financial advisor before making any kind of decisions blah blah blah whatever.
But as I’ve watched my portfolio drop, I’m kind of getting excited. Because I’ve been stacking cash, waiting for an opportunity to buy.
Of course, we don’t know when or how high it will bounce back… but the American market is the greatest economic force this world has ever seen. It will bounce back. The pendulum always swings the other way.
We are America.
We win World Wars and we build great businesses.
That’s what we fucking do.
You NEVER short America. Never.
We’ll bounce back. People who bought at the top and sold at the bottom will get slaughtered — as they always do.
But a wave will come at some point and smart investors will ride that wave all the way back up.
In Conclusion
You’re going to have a LOT of time on your hands.
There’s never been a better time to learn how to make sales to your email list with simple emails you can write in your pajamas.
So if that’s what you’re looking to do, I got some options for you.
- Get on my email list: You’ll get a FREE copy of my book, Make It Rain: The Secret to Generating Massive Paydays from Your Email List. It’ll show you five ways you can start making MORE sales from your list… even if you’ve never sent an email before or have no idea where to start.
2. If you want, I’ll rush out a copy of my Pay Yourself First e-commerce email marketing course. Just go here and subscribe to my Make It Rain Monthly newsletter… and I’ll ship out your welcome package ASAP. Pay Yourself First is my system for helping e-commerce businesses make sales every day while building a ton of goodwill with their email lists. It’s a physical book that’s a FREE bonus you get when you subscribe to Make It Rain Monthly. Plus… it’s delivered through the mail, so you don’t have to leave the house. And now that you’ll be home, you’ll have some time to go through it and actually implement… so you can make some more money in your business.
3. If you prefer digital courses, and you want to learn how to write emails that sell… you might want to check out my Email Copy Academy LITE program. It’s 20+ hours of video training where I walk you through how to create profitable email campaigns that can sell any product in any market. Click here to get Email Copy Academy LITE.
You have an opportunity to make it rain in your business.
If you don’t, someone else will.
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And follow me here on Medium… I’ll be posting some more articles on e-commerce, email marketing, copywriting, business, and more.