How to Build a Business That Runs On Email

Chris Orzechowski
5 min readOct 15, 2018


Why is it our first instinct to make business harder than it needs to be?

If you’re anything like me, you probably work your ass off. You’re no stranger to the grind. And you probably spend most of your day in front of your computer “working” on your business.

I do a lot of “working” every single day. (As you’ll see in a minute, I use that term very generously here.)

But a few weeks ago, I had an experience that really caused me to stop and say…


I had just done 5 back to back product launches (or varying sizes) in the past 8 weeks.

I was burnt out.

And I needed a break.

For about 6 of those 8 weeks, I was putting in 12 hour days. I even took an hour call at 9:00 pm on a Tuesday night. Because sometimes, when you’re in the middle of a back-to-back multi-million dollar launch campaigns… work life balance flies right out the window. And you’re just going to have to be OK with that if you want to win.

So after all of these launches ended, I figured I’d send a few emails to my list.

They hadn’t heard from me, and I was sure they were suffering some serious withdrawal.

(Some subscribers reported headaches, profuse sweating, and screaming themselves to sleep trying to understand why I hadn’t been in their email inbox.)

A writer I knew was doing the final launch of his course for the entire year. It’s also the first copywriting course I ever took, so I decided to tell the people on my list about it.

I sent an email on a Wednesday. Then I sent an email on Friday morning (the day the cart closed) and another one Friday evening.

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With Those Three Emails, I Earned More Affiliate Commission Than What Some Clients Have Paid Me To Write Their Copy

There’s a few reasons for this.

I always offer incredible bonuses to my people. Because I love my subscribers and try to take care of them any way I can. I want to be their advisor and help them achieve their goals.

They aren’t “leads.”

They’re real people.

And I’m proud enough to say I’ve personally interacted with over 50% of my tiny email list… either thru email conversations, messenger or on calls. That’s part of the reason why my list trusts me. I don’t abuse that shit. It’s hard to earn it and very easy to blow it.

The trust you have with your list is everything. Do right by them, and they will take care of you for life. Fuck them over, and you deserve everything that comes as a result.

Anyway, none of this is the point.

The point is, from a business perspective…

Mastering Email Copywriting Can Transform Your Business And Your Life

After my “busy season” ended, I found myself still spending a lot of time still in front of my computer. (It had become a habit.)

I was “working” — I told myself.

But in reality, I wasn’t getting much done.

So I took a good hard look at all the shit I was doing.

And SHOCKINGLY enough… there were only a few small activities I did each day that made me money.

What the hell was I doing the rest of the time?

Well… checking my email stats in Drip every 15 minutes wasn’t making me money.

Neither was going thru the backlog of PDF’s and ebooks I want to read, so I can delete them off my desktop already.

Fucking around with the tech stuff inside Kartra seemed to be a little more appealing than sitting down and rewriting the lead to a sales letter that I’d been putting off for weeks now. That’s a task I should have handed off to my VA.

But of course, at the time it made more sense for my to fuck about with that stuff and procrastinate, instead of doing my zone of genius activity — writing emails and ads that sell stuff.

My Business Is Pretty Simple. And Your’s Could Be Too

If you’re going to grow beyond a certain point, the name of the game is leverage.

And email provides that leverage.

Realistically, as a copywriter, my time should only be spent doing a few activities.

Things like:

  • Writing emails that sell stuff either for my clients or for myself
  • Creating assets, programs and offers I can sell
  • Talking to people on the phone and closing deals

Those are the things that put money in my pocket. Which means most other things should either be eliminated, automated or delegated.

I bet you could make a list of things that YOU should only be doing in your business. It’ll probably look similar to this:

  • Help your clients get results
  • Create new offers
  • Sell stuff

How to Set Your Business Up So All You Have To Do Is Write Emails

Here’s what the model should look like:

Step 1: Get people onto your list

Step 2: Write email campaigns that build a bond and — while at the same time — sells stuff that helps people achieve their goals

Step 3: Repeat

Want some clients?

Send some emails.

Want to sell that course or program you just finished?

Emails. Send em.

Want to sell an affiliate product?

You know what I’m gonna say.

At first, this is probably going to be a manual process — meaning you’ll mainly write broadcasts until you get really good.

Once you’re really good, you can automate a lot of your front end campaigns, upsell campaigns, and you can create your very own email funnels that sell for you while you go sit on your ass and pretend to do “real work.”

The Email Based Business Model

All you need for this to work are:

  • A system for getting people onto your list
  • A system for selling stuff thru email
  • A system for creating offers that people actually want… that actually help people

That’s pretty much it.

Really makes everything a lot simpler, right?

If you already have an email list, but can’t figure out what to write in your emails to make sales… then hit me up! Go to and hop on my wait list.

And if you enjoyed this article, please hold down the clap button until it reaches 50. Thank you!

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Chris Orzechowski
Chris Orzechowski

Written by Chris Orzechowski

Author. Speaker. E-commerce Email Marketing Expert. Aspiring Wine Snob

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